How Photographers _Really_ Spend Their Time

April 10, 2012  •  1 Comment

     Diving into the process of establishing a photography enterprise is a blast - by which I mean that I am feeling blasted.  I have a strong background in small business, an ever-expanding expertise in photography, and a passion that provides me with ongoing energy. Nonetheless, I could use even more.

     As daunting as it may be to keep on top of the latest essential software, and run down an ever-growing list of leads, the real skill I must master is the classic:  time management.

    I thought I was a realist, but evidently . . . I have miles to go!

    My original plan was simple:  shoot at least one day a week, probably spend two editing, processing, organizing photos, a day of marketing outreach to prospects, a day of education and training, and a . . . whoops.  I'm running out of days.

     This new reality all came crashing home to me at a recent lunch with the charming and energetic Tina Reynolds of Uptown Studios. Yes, I have a FaceBook page, a FaceBook artists page, a LinkedIn page and a Twitter presence, along with this blog. But am I managing them effectively?  Tina knows I could do better and she had some great ideas. 

     My original concept was to shoot great photos that would speak for themselves. But to whom? If they're not seen by the right audience, then they're simply not seen, and my business will die on the vine.  Given my long career in public relations, I know how important this is.  And so my latest endeavors include a concerted effort to gather as much information about efficiencies in communication as possible. 

     That said, there is certainly a long and ever-expanding list of photo shoot opportunities I cannot resist. The photo below came out of shooting session with golfer Eric McIntosh. It wasn't on the shoot list I had prepared, and landscape opportunities weren't part of my thinking for the day.  But when I saw the scene I couldn't resist. And now I'm making sure that at least a few others have a chance to see it as well.

     The quest for time management - assuming I can't find a way to simply create more time! - is going to be an ongoing one. Photography is actually an amalgamation of many different activities. As I discover clues to how to bring the whole package together, you can be sure I'll include them here!




Tina Reynolds(non-registered)
Thanks for the mention - great writing and absolutely beautiful photo - I may have to take up golf - in MY spare time. Now post the photos to Pinterest and tag it with your blog...

Get busy!
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