Photography: Show It!

March 25, 2013  •  1 Comment

     This week has brought a bit of chaos to my life. My desk is littered with experimental prints. Shards of foam core are everywhere, along with random slices of mat board. Three disassembled frames lean up against the stairs. A T-square, chunk of plywood and a variety of knives and tools are spread about. Somewhere there are some pencils, if I could only find even one.

     It was always my plan to do some exhibits in 2013. The idea was a slow ramp up and gradual entry into this arena. I am new to show participation, with little idea of what to expect, what opportunities make most sense for me, how to do all this the smart way. Which is why my thought was to go about it with deliberation. That way, I could profit from each experience as I moved on to the next.

     But plans don't always unfold with such precision.

     It all started just fine. A series of five images was accepted for show at an area Chamber of Commerce later this year.  There's an opportunity to enter two images in an exhibit at an area performing arts center in May. Two images were accepted into a juried exhibit opening in April. All well and good. Then . . .

     An artist unexpectedly dropped out of a nearby event. Artwork is needed for many venues, and will be on display for several weeks. A friend suggested the curator take a look at my work. And suddenly, I have an opportunity to show 20 images, with three weeks notice. Am I really ready for this? I'm not sure. But I do know that an opportunity of this nature may not come again. And so I am busily printing, cutting mats, and generally scrambling to prepare my images. It's a grand learning experience. And good skill development for what is to come. Namely, a studio tour in June, that will require another group of top quality images.

     At the same time, I am feeling the heat of the deadline to submit images for consideration to the California State Fair. And I am eager to submit images for review to a very fine Art in Public Places program.

     Is all this the smartest way to move my photography forward? I don't know. I hope so. I look forward to sharing insights from these experiences. What I do know is that there are many very fine photographers whose work resides primarily on their computers. It remains a personal pleasure to them. But after a thirty year career in public relations, I tend to be a person who is all about sharing and communication. And that instinct has come to apply to my photography as well.

     So there's no doubt that I want to share my work. The greater quandary is in sharing it wisely. How does one know when it's time to begin sharing one's work? How does one know when the quality level is there? And how does one discern the standards of fine art in photography? It seems likely that there is no moment of perfect clarity. Rather, the circumstances just come together, and the thing to do is plunge on in.

     That's the whirlwind that's enveloped me for the moment. Whatever happens next . . . I'll report back.

     In the meantime, if you're interested in seeing more of my work, click here to visit my website.




Lookin' good!
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